

2400 W Cypress Creek Rd # 98, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309, USA

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H One May 18, 2018 5:52 pm

Barbara Flood was an unfortunate experience for me and my son. I went to her for help with an abusive relatiinship and she was unprofessional and took sides with my abuser when I really should have been exercising my right to prosecute. I was still in a mindset of being controlled. I had a deviated septum and my abuser had a history of crime and unemployment, as well as refusing to provide for his child. I told Barabara that he had told me repeadtedly that he had the right to steal, because he was Black and that he told me he wasn’t taking care of his daughter, because he could not stand Black females. Barbara told me that he was not like most Black men, that he was actually articulate. She said her father raped her and her sisters and she knew her father loved them, so could not understand my position. Barbara would gang up on me about things my abusive ex-husband was telling her in their individual sessions. They literally formed an alliance while I was struggling to function and worried about my son, step-daughter and their future. I had showed up at her office with a giant chunk I had picked out of my face from resorting to self-mutilatilation and she ignored it, carrying onto take my money and walk around it during session. She acted like he did. As if I was playing games and victimizing him. She should have sent me to a doctor! I went to a therapy retreat, which was held at Barbara’s home. She snubbed me the minute I walked in and refused to speak to me outside group work for three days, applying her personal grievances in support of my abuser. In addition she probably took in over $2000 for an event she held twice monthly. One of the girls practically went into shock during her group work on the first night. Barbara sent her to her girlfriend’s room and we did not see the girl again until Sunday evening.
Many of us kept asking about her and Barbara brushed us off saying she was just detoxing. I ran into that girl months after when she was serving me at a diner. When she saw me she got terrified by the reminder and sent someone else to serve us. I asked about her when I was leaving and they told me she left her job upset. Barbara really fixed her, I guess? Over a six month period Barbara made around $6000.00 off of my individual resources. I did not speak a single word in our last session. She was in a relationship with a woman who was half her age – 26, or so. This woman was made to walk around the outside of their home and sneak around during the weekend retreats it was really strange to everyone.
Barabara had a giant bedroom wth an atrached bathroom and her girlfriend had to walk around the house to use it, because she wasn’t allowed outside of her own personal bedroom. When I arrived to our last session I happened to see this woman, who had a suite in Barabara’s office, going down the stairs with another woman. Within a few minutes of entering Barbara’s office she asked me if I saw her girlfriend and further asked me if she was with anyone. So unprofessional. She proceeded to tell me it was confirmation that she was cheating and that this event was the finality of their relationship. She continued on to stare in my eyes and cried for an entire hour through my session. I was so uncomfortable I didn’t know what to do. She tried to tell me that I was learning to ride the edge by going through this with her. I did not speak, or do any work that entire session. I was used for support, or something and watched Barbara cry for an hour. That’s it. She had the absolute nerve to charge me the $120 for our “session.” After that, I was had run out of money altogether, was left devasted & with occurred bills, and had gone down hill. Once I told Barbara that I was at my financial end she told me that since I had children and since family counseling was not in her expertise she passed me iver to an unlicensed therapist that worked under her and would work with me on her rate and Barbara never spoke to me again. My husband went onto to major crimes, teaching his daughter to do the same in life.